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Jennifer Jaskal

TRansformational CoacH

Educational Worksheet Geometric Shapes

Helping you to learn what is holding you back, how to create boundaries that are right for your life, to gain clarity, rebuild your life after trauma, increase your confidence, create sustainable and healthy habits for you to be empowered to unapologetically create the life you desire.

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Copyright © 2023 Jennifer Jaskal. All rights reserved.

Unapologetically Create the Life You Desire

Everything you need is within you!

If this is you, I can help...

Are you wanting more out of life, but you’re not sure what is holding you back?

Are you ready to commit and uplevel your life?

Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, spread too thin, and your ‘To Do’ list is never ending?

Are you ready to unapologetically create the life you desire?

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Or if this is you, I can help...

Do you want to gain clarity or find answers to what is hold you back from creating the life you desire?

Do you want to increase and/or gain confidence?

Do you want to transform your life, your relationships, and/or your career?

Do you feel as though you are longing for more or have a passion to do something more in your life?

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Let's Connect

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Who's Jennifer?!

I was married to my high school sweetheart for 8 years, but we had been together for 18 years. We had our daughter in 2009 and then in 2012, we divorced. I then was in a four-year relationship with my son's father which was emotionally, mentally, verbally, financially, and physically abusive, which led me to bankruptcy in 2017. When I left that relationship in 2016, it was the first time I was on my own and I had figure out how I was going to rebuild my life for my children and I. I know first-hand what it's like to be co-parenting, be a single mother, having to overcome trauma from childhood and then as an adult, wanting to be in control of everything, and scared to ask for help, but I knew I wanted more in life. I found the courage to seek the help from my family, friends, a counselor, coaches, and mentors.

During the rebuilding of our lives, the children and I continued to live life to the fullest, have fun, and seize the moment. Life is precious and the present is a gift. I knew that going all into this journey wasn’t going to be easy, but laughing, having fun, and being fully present was a key to rebuilding our lives.

This journey has been the most powerful and most fulfilling for myself and my children.I continue this journey on a daily basis. It has taken commitment, time, hard work, creating realistic and sustainable habits, and continually learning. I have been able to rebuild my life after trauma, regain my confidence, gain clarity, and be empowered to 'Unapologetically Create the Life I Desire'!

Now that you know more about me, reach out and say hi!!

How I Support You

There are a few different ways that I can support you in your journey.

I understand that setting up that first appointment comes with a lot of thought, fear, hope and mind changing; it's a big decision. I've been in your shoes, you're not alone.

If you are looking to start this process give me a call.


What are you willing to change to make a shift in your life?

Speaking & Workshops

1:1 and Group Coaching

On Demand Training


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Gain Clarity, Confidence, and Calendar Ease

During this course, you'll get clear about your boundaries, priorities, confidence in your ability to be present in your life, and create calendar ease

30-Day The Power of YOU Bootcamp

The Power of You Bootcamp will allow you to face your fears and limiting beliefs that are holding you back, you’ll gain the confidence to allow you to accept your true being, and you’ll have the power of awareness of living your exponential life.

Gaining Clarity, Confidence, Calendar Ease, Self-Awareness, & Stepping into your Powerful Self

During this course, this will combine the two courses together so that you have the ability to gain clarity, confident, self-awareness, create calendar ease, and overcome the self-doubt.

Power of Being YOu


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What are you willing to change to make a shfitt in your life?

Spoke at

The Leading Ladies Virtual Conference

March 10 & 11, 2023

Guest Appearance

On June 8, 2020 I had the honor and privilege to share my story on the Fearless Female podcast hosted by Paola Rosser.


Breakthough coaching conversation

This 1:1 Breakthrough Coaching Conversation is for 60 minutes that allows for us to connect and determine if we are a 'fit' for one another. During our conversation, I want to know and understand your personal coaching needs/wants, your goals personally and/or professionally, of if there is anything that you've been needing to overcome. I want to help you Unapologetically Create the Life You Desire!

1:1 Coaching

This 1:1 Coaching Conversation is for 60 minutes. During the conversation, I will help you live a better life by helping you discover what’s in the way of that. This can be in any area of your life, such as business, relationships, parenting, health, or anywhere really. My mission in life and in business is to fully serve, to fully love, and to fully empower 1 person at a time. I want to help you Unapologetically Create the Life You Desire!

Group coaching

This is a Coaching Conversation for a group of individuals (businesss) that is determined by the needs of the client/group that I'm working with. My mission in life and in business is to fully serve, to fully love, and to fully empower 1 person at a time. I want to help you Unapologetically Create the Life You Desire!

Book Discovery Call for Coaching

Making changes in your life is not always easy, but you don't need to be on this journey alone.

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As a Transformational Coach, I provide a safe and confidential space where you have the opportunity to explore and learn more about who you are and what it is that you’re wanting out of life. My commitment to you is that I will listen, learn about who you are, your beliefs, your wants, needs, goals, and aspirations.

During our partnership, I will help you see that eveything you need is within you and I’ll help guide you find what it is you’re looking for personally and/or professionally. As we go through this journey, I will ask powerful, tough, and direct questions to guide you, to learn about what is holding you back, how to create boundaries that are right for you and your life, to gain clarity, build your confidence, create sustainable and healthy habits, and for you to be empowered.

I am no expert when it comes to your life, however I’ve been there and I’ve done the work myself! You are not alone and you don’t need to do any of this on your own. If you’re committed to the courageous journey of realizing your own potential, I am here and ready to help you to unapologetically create the life you desire.


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"First, I want to start by saying Jennifer is amazing!"

"Before I started my coaching sessions I was doing ok, but she quickly helped me realize that ok is not good enough. There is more to me and with her assistance I was able to see that too. My confidence has grown over our 6-week sessions and I don't ever want to go back to the person I was.

My friends and family have noticed a change in me and that right there is proof that hard work pays off. I can't say enough great things about Jennifer. She leads by example and is willing to help, and answer any questions I may have. I know that with her by myside and if I continue to practice the skills, she has helped me develop I will be able to achieve all my goals I set for myself."

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"Before we started working together, I felt overwhelmed and disconnected with myself."

"I always read book and learn as much as I can from my own work in personal development and it goes really well, I do make improvements, but I have noticed that every time I work with a coach, I usually move forward faster with any goals that I have. With your help, I've been able to pick up the pace from months to only minutes for create change.

You're so easy to talk to and you're great at listening. Those qualities are what I look for in any coach that I hire. I will recommend Jennifer, she is compassionate, patient, loving, wants to watch you succeed and one of the most trustworthy and easy-going humans out there. You would be lucky if she decided to work with you."

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"Jennifer is the coach you need"

"I found my sessions with Jennifer really helpful. She was present, more than willing to listen and empathetic – which allowed me to be open and honest during our time together. Jennifer was able to help me untangle the many thoughts that were in my head, which allowed me to break them down into little actionable steps that I could take.

Once these little steps were articulated, I could do them easily, and these helped me move forward with the projects I had planned. Jennifer is the coach you need if you want someone who will listen, understand, and gently but firmly guide you to find the answers that you need within yourself!

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"I was so lucky to meet Jennifer."

"I was telling a friend how down I was and needing some guidance. That is how I met Jen. From the first moment of contact I was uplifted. She was so friendly and compassionate. After our first short video session I was feeling more positive. Sometimes she made me uncomfortable as she asked the hard questions I didn’t want to address. The so-called elephant in the room. Now that I have addressed it, I am so much happier and healthier.

I was having some marriage problems, being a mom and working full time problems I am sure many can relate. After talking with Jen, my marriage is improving and balancing my life work balance is better. All because she taught me how to by my best. Which improved all the things So if you are struggling and need a coach you will not be sorry if you choose Jen. You will gain all the strength you need to push past the bad and be your best you."

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Let's Work Together To 'Unapologetically Create the Life You Desire'

Jennifer Jaskal

TRansformational CoacH

LOcation Details:

442 Prospect Street

Rollinsford NH 03869

Call or Text


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Copyright © 2023 Jennifer Jaskal. All rights reserved.